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Navigation Gyration

How to organize pages on a website. That creates a challenge.

Once upon a time I sold databases to very large national oil companies. What became clear in the data were the views of that data from different sectors of the company. Some views were quite different, yet looking at the same data. In fact, one man’s product is often another man’s raw input.

Let’s describe the problem using something closer to home. My daughter is a daughter, of course. She’s mother, wife, female, driver, registered dietician, Francophone, and loads of other characteristics. If her sons were to pursue her in a database they would search differently than her mother and even her husband, and especially her employer. You get the idea. Forget that, her sons are too young to search databases; they just want three squares and to be picked up after school. GRINS

Lost Creek Wilderness Area just below Harmonica Bridge

So how do I make pages that pop to the surface easily? How can a user find photos the way she wants to find them? Certainly, no one cares, but my dog and me, when the photos were captured; hence, by date is nada. Nevertheless, many interesting characteristics quickly arise in photos of the West: mining, geology, geography, scenery, seasons and the list goes on.

My desire is to keep the structure as flat as possible. You do not want to dig down into page after page to find a nugget (or even a photo). In fact, you probably won't do it.

I am toying with the idea that some photos will show more than once on so that you can find them with respect to the features that interest you (e.g. a photo may be on a mining page and on another geographic page.)

If some photos are redundant, that is not to inflate the site. Hopefully it will be helpful.

The structure is still under construction.

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